msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SexyBookmarks v2.6.1.3\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-12-27 13:57-0600\n" "PO-Revision-Date: \n" "Last-Translator: Manuel Inácio \n" "Language-Team: minacio \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Poedit-Language: Portuguese\n" "X-Poedit-Country: PORTUGAL\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:171 msgid "Your changes have been saved successfully!" msgstr "As suas alterações foram guardadas com sucesso!" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:171 msgid "Maybe you would consider " msgstr "Talvez possa considerar " #: sexy-bookmarks.php:171 msgid "donating" msgstr "fazer uma doação" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:174 msgid "Please choose where you would like the menu to be displayed." msgstr "Por favor escolha onde gostaria que o menu seja exibido." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:175 msgid "You can't display the menu if you don't choose a few sites to add to it!" msgstr "O menu não poderá ser exibido se não escolher alguns websites para lhe adicionar!" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:176 msgid "Please choose where you want the menu displayed." msgstr "Por favor escolha onde quer que o menu seja exibido." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:180 msgid "You need to select the primary category for any articles submitted to Twittley." msgstr "Tem que seleccionar a categoria primiária para qualquer artigo submetido ao Twittley." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:181 msgid "You need to set at least 1 default tag for any articles submitted to Twittley." msgstr "Tem que definir pelo menos um tag por defeito para qualquer artigo submetido ao Twittley." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:191 msgid "You must first download and activate the" msgstr "Deverá primeiro fazer download e activar o" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:191 msgid "Twitter Friendly Links Plugin" msgstr " Plugin Twitter Friendly Links" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:191 msgid "before hosting your own short URLs..." msgstr "antes de alojar os seus próprios URL curtos..." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:226 msgid " Short URLs have been reset." msgstr "Os URL curtos foram repostos." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:266 msgid "Enabled Networks" msgstr "Redes activadas" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:270 msgid "Select the Networks to display. Drag to reorder." msgstr "Seleccione as Redes a exibir. Arraste-as para reordenar." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:273 msgid "All" msgstr "Todas" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:274 msgid "None" msgstr "Nenhuma" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:275 msgid "Most Popular" msgstr "Mais populares" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:276 msgid "Recommended" msgstr "Recomendadas" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:290 msgid "Functionality Settings" msgstr "Definições de funcionalidades" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:296 msgid "This will clear ALL short URLs. - Are you sure?" msgstr "Esta acção irá limpar TODOS os URL curtos. Tem a certeza?" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:299 #: sexy-bookmarks.php:458 #: sexy-bookmarks.php:461 #: sexy-bookmarks.php:512 #: sexy-bookmarks.php:593 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Sim" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:299 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Cancelar" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:303 msgid "Twitter Options:" msgstr "Opções do Twitter:" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:304 msgid "Twitter ID:" msgstr "Twitter ID:" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:307 msgid "Which URL Shortener?" msgstr "Qual o URL Shortener?" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:329 msgid "Reset all Short URLs" msgstr "Repor todos os URL reduzidos" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:394 msgid "Yahoo! Buzz Defaults:" msgstr "Opções Yahoo! Buzz por defeito:" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:395 msgid "Default Content Category:" msgstr "Categoria de conteúdo por defeito:" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:415 msgid "Default Media Type:" msgstr "Tipo de media por defeito:" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:429 msgid "Twittley Defaults:" msgstr "Opções do Twittley por defeito:" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:430 msgid "Primary Content Category:" msgstr "Categoria de conteúdo primária:" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:448 msgid "Enter a comma separated list of general tags which describe your site's posts as a whole. Try not to be too specific, as one post may fall into different \"tag categories\" than other posts." msgstr "Insira uma lista separada por vírgulas das tags gerais que descrevam os posts do seu site como um todo. Tente não ser demasiado específico, uma vez que um post pode cair em \"categorias de tags\" diferentes de outros posts." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:449 msgid "This list is primarily used as a failsafe in case you forget to enter WordPress tags for a particular post, in which case this list of tags would be used so as to bring at least *somewhat* relevant search queries based on the general tags that you enter here." msgstr "Esta lista é utilizada principalmente como um mecanismo de protecção, no caso de se esquecer de inserir tags Wordpress para um post em particular. Neste caso, esta lista de tags será utilizada para trazer *algumas\" consultas relevantes, baseadas nas tags gerais que inserir aqui." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:449 msgid "Click here to close this message" msgstr "Clique aqui para fechar esta mensagem" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:449 msgid "close" msgstr "fechar" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:451 msgid "Default Tags:" msgstr "Tags por defeito:" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:452 #: sexy-bookmarks.php:591 msgid "Click here for help with this option" msgstr "Clique aqui para obter ajuda nesta opção" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:456 msgid "General Functionality Options:" msgstr "Opções de funcionalidades gerais:" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:457 msgid "Add nofollow to the links?" msgstr "Adicionar nofollow às ligações?" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:459 #: sexy-bookmarks.php:462 #: sexy-bookmarks.php:513 #: sexy-bookmarks.php:517 #: sexy-bookmarks.php:594 msgid "No" msgstr "Não" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:460 msgid "Open links in new window?" msgstr "Abrir ligações numa nova janela?" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:469 msgid "Plugin Aesthetics" msgstr "Estética do plugin" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:474 msgid "Warning!" msgstr "Aviso!" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:475 msgid "This option is intended " msgstr "Esta opção destina-se" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:475 msgid "STRICTLY" msgstr "ESTRITAMENTE" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:475 msgid " for users who understand how to edit CSS/JS and intend to change/edit the associated images themselves. No support will be offered for this feature, as I cannot be held accountable for your coding/image-editing mistakes. Furthermore, this feature was implemented as a favor to the thousands of you who asked for such a feature, and as such, I would appreciate it if you could refrain from sending nasty emails when you break the plugin due to coding errors of your own." msgstr " para utilizadores que sabem como editar CSS/JS e pretendam mudar/editar as imagens associadas por si mesmo. Não será facultado suporte a esta funcionalidade, assim como não poderei ser responsabilizado por erros de código/edição de imagem efectuados por si. Para além disso, este recurso foi implementado como um favor para os milhares de utilizadores que o solicitaram, e como tal, agradeço que se abstenha de enviar emails desagradáveis sempre que o plugin deixar de funcionar, devido a erros de código da sua responsabilidade." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:476 msgid "How it works..." msgstr "Como funciona..." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:477 msgid "Since you have chosen for the plugin to override the style settings with your own custom mods, it will now pull the files from the new folders it is going to create on your server as soon as you save your changes. The file/folder locations should be as follows:" msgstr "Uma vez que escolheu que o plugin substitua as configurações de estilo pelos seus estilos personalizados, irá agora carregar os ficheiros das novas pastas que serão criadas no seu servidor, assim que guardar as suas alterações. A localização dos ficheiros/pastas deverá ser a seguinte:" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:488 msgid "Once you have saved your changes, you will be able to edit the image sprite that holds all of the icons for SexyBookmarks as well as the CSS which accompanies it. Just be sure that you do in fact edit the CSS if you edit the images, as it is unlikely the heights, widths, and background positions of the images will stay the same after you are done." msgstr "Depois de guardar as suas alterações, poderá editar as imagem sprite que contém todos os ícones para SexyBookmarks, bem como o CSS que a acompanha. Só não se esqueça que edita o CSS se editar as imagens, e é improvável que a altura, largura e as posições de fundo das imagens fiquem as mesmas, depois da edição. É conveniente ter algum conhecimento de como trabalhar com CSS sprites." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:489 msgid "Just a quick note... When you edit the styles and images to include your own custom backgrounds, icons, and CSS styles, be aware that those changes will not be reflected on the plugin options page. In other words: when you select your networks to be displayed, or when you select the background image to use, it will still be displaying the images from the original plugin directory." msgstr "Apenas uma nota rápida... Quando edita os estilos e imagens para incluir nos seus próprios fundos personalizados, ícones e estilos CSS, esteja ciente de que essas alterações não serão reflectidas na página de opções do plugin. Por outras palavras: quando selecciona as suas redes a exibir, ou quando selecciona uma imagem de fundo a utilizar, a página de opções do plugin continuará a mostrar as imagens do directório original do plugin." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:491 msgid "If you happen to completely screw up the code, you can follow these directions to reset the plugin back to normal and try again if you wish:" msgstr "Se lhe acontecer estragar completamente o código, poderá seguir estas instruções para repor o plugin de volta ao normal e tentar de novo, se desejar:" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:493 msgid "Login to your server via FTP or SSH. (whichever you are more comfortable with)" msgstr "Inicie sessão no seu servidor via FTP ou SSH. (a opção com que se sinta mais à vontade)" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:494 msgid "Navigate to your wp-content directory." msgstr "Navegue para o seu directório wp-content." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:495 msgid "Delete the directory named \"sexy-mods\"." msgstr "Elimine o directório com o nome \"sexy-mods\"." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:496 msgid "Login to your WordPress dashboard." msgstr "Inicie sessão no seu painel do Wordpress." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:497 msgid "Go to the SexyBookmarks plugin options page. (settings->sexybookmarks)" msgstr "Vá para a página de opções do plugin SexyBookmarks. (opções->sexybookmarks)" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:498 msgid "Deselect the \"Use custom mods\" option." msgstr "Desmarque a opção \"Utilizar mods personalizados\"." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:499 msgid "Save your changes." msgstr "Guarde as suas alterações." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:505 msgid "Override Styles With Custom Mods Instead?" msgstr "Substituir estilos por Mods personalizados?" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:510 msgid "jQuery Related Options" msgstr "Opções relacionadas com jQuery" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:511 msgid "Animate-expand multi-lined bookmarks?" msgstr "Animar expansão de marcadores multi-linha?" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:514 msgid "Auto-space/center the bookmarks?" msgstr "Espaçamento automático/centrar os marcadores?" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:515 msgid "Space" msgstr "Espaço" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:516 msgid "Center" msgstr "Centrar" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:518 msgid "jQuery Compatibility Fix" msgstr "Corrigir compatibilidade jQuery?" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:519 msgid "Check this box ONLY if you notice jQuery being loaded twice in your source code!" msgstr "Marque esta caixa APENAS se verificar que o jQuery está a ser carregado duas vezes no código-fonte!" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:522 msgid "Background Image Options" msgstr "Opções de imagem de fundo" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:524 msgid "Use a background image?" msgstr "Utilizar uma imagem de fundo?" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:554 msgid "Menu Placement" msgstr "Localização do menu" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:560 msgid "Need help with this? Find it in the " msgstr "Necessita de ajuda com isto? Encontre-a no" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:560 msgid "official install guide" msgstr "guia oficial de instalação" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:568 msgid "This feature is still in the experimental phase, so please " msgstr "Esta funcionalidade está ainda numa fase experimental, por isso, por favor" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:568 msgid "report any bugs" msgstr "comunique quaiquer erros" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:568 msgid "you may find" msgstr "que possa encontrar" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:574 msgid "Menu Location (in relevance to content):" msgstr "Localização do menu (em relação ao conteúdo):" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:575 msgid "Above Content" msgstr "Acima do conteúdo" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:576 msgid "Below Content" msgstr "Abaixo do conteúdo" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:577 msgid "Manual Mode" msgstr "Modo manual" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:578 msgid "Posts, pages, or the whole shebang?" msgstr "Posts, páginas ou tudo?" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:592 msgid "Show in RSS feed?" msgstr "Mostrar no Feed RSS?" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:596 msgid "Hide menu from mobile browsers?" msgstr "Esconder o menu de browsers móveis?" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:604 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "Guardar alterações" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:610 msgid "Helpful Plugin Links" msgstr "Links úteis do plugin" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:615 msgid "Installation & Usage Guide" msgstr "Instalação & guia de utilização" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:616 msgid "Frequently Asked Questions" msgstr "Questões Frequentemente Colocadas" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:617 msgid "Bug Submission Form" msgstr "Formulário de comunicação de erro" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:618 msgid "Feature Request Form" msgstr "Formulário de requisição de funcionalidade" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:619 msgid "Submit a Translation" msgstr "Submeter uma tradução" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:620 msgid "Other SexyBookmarks Platforms" msgstr "Outras plataformas SexyBookmarks" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:627 msgid "Support by Donating" msgstr "Suporte doando" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:631 msgid "If you like SexyBookmarks and wish to contribute towards it's continued development, you can use the form below to do so." msgstr "Se gosta de SexyBookmarks e deseja contribuir para o seu desenvolvimento continuado, pode usar o formulário abaixo para o fazer." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:635 msgid "SexyBookmarks Development Support" msgstr "Suporte ao desenvolvimento de SexyBookmarks" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:638 msgid "Please enter the URL you'd like me to link to if you are a top contributor." msgstr "Por favor, digite o URL a que gostaria de me ligar, se é um contribuidor de topo." #: sexy-bookmarks.php:640 msgid "Return to Your Dashboard" msgstr "Regressar ao seu painel" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:644 msgid "Select Preset Amount? " msgstr "Seleccionar um montante predefinido?" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:657 msgid "Enter Custom Amount?" msgstr "Inserir um montante personalizado?" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:663 msgid "Disable sponsor messages?" msgstr "Desactivar mensagens de patrocinadores?" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:672 msgid "Top Supporters" msgstr "Principais contribuidores" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:685 msgid "Shout-Outs" msgstr "Mensagens" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:690 msgid "Fugue Icons: Pinvoke" msgstr "" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:691 msgid "Fugue Icon Sprite: Alison Barrett" msgstr "" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:692 msgid "Original Skin Icons: Function" msgstr "" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:693 msgid "Bug Patch: Artem Russakovskii" msgstr "" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:694 msgid "Twitter encoding fix: Gautam Gupta" msgstr "Correcção da codificação do Twitter: Gautam Gupta" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:695 msgid " bug fix: Konstantin Kovshenin" msgstr "" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:702 msgid "Translation Contributors" msgstr "Contribuidores de traduções" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:707 msgid "RU Translation: Yuri Gribov" msgstr "Tradução RU: Yuri Gribov" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:708 msgid "FR Translation: Maitre Mo" msgstr "Tradução FR: Maitre Mo" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:709 msgid "RO Translation: Ghenciu Ciprian" msgstr "Tradução RO: Ghenciu Ciprian" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:710 msgid "IT Translation: Carlo Veltri" msgstr "Tradução IT: Carlo Veltri" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:711 msgid "ES Translation: Javier Pimienta" msgstr "Tradução ES: Javier Pimienta" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:712 msgid "CN Translation: Joojen" msgstr "Tradução CN: Joojen" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:713 msgid "IT Translation: Giovanni Zuccaro" msgstr "Tradução IT: Giovanni Zuccaro" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:714 msgid "TR Translation: Ömer Taylan Tuğut" msgstr "Tradução TR: Ömer Taylan Tuğut" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:715 msgid "DE Translation: Gunther Wegner" msgstr "Tradução DE: Gunther Wegner" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:716 msgid "da-DK Translation: Mads Floe" msgstr "Tradução da-DK: Mads Floe" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:717 msgid "NO Translation: Svend Olaf Olsen" msgstr "Tradução NO: Svend Olaf Olsen" #: sexy-bookmarks.php:718 msgid "NL Translation: Martin van der Grond" msgstr "Tradução NL: Martin van der Grond" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:5 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:10 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:15 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:20 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:25 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:30 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:35 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:40 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:45 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:50 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:55 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:60 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:65 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:70 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:85 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:90 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:95 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:100 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:105 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:110 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:115 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:120 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:125 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:130 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:135 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:140 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:145 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:150 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:155 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:160 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:165 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:170 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:175 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:180 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:185 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:190 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:195 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:200 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:205 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:210 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:215 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:220 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:225 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:230 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:235 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:240 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:245 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:250 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:255 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:260 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:265 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:270 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:275 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:280 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:285 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:290 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:295 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:300 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:305 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:310 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:315 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:320 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:325 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:330 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:335 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:340 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:345 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:350 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:355 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:360 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:365 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:370 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:375 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:380 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:385 msgid "Check this box to include " msgstr "Marque esta caixa para incluir" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:5 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:6 msgid "Script & Style" msgstr "Script & Estilo" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:5 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:10 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:15 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:20 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:25 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:30 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:35 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:40 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:45 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:50 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:55 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:60 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:65 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:70 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:75 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:80 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:85 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:90 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:95 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:100 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:105 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:110 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:115 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:120 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:125 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:130 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:135 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:140 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:145 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:150 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:155 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:160 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:165 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:170 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:175 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:180 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:185 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:190 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:195 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:200 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:205 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:210 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:215 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:220 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:225 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:230 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:235 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:240 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:245 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:250 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:255 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:260 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:265 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:270 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:275 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:280 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:285 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:290 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:295 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:300 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:305 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:310 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:315 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:320 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:325 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:330 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:335 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:340 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:345 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:350 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:355 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:360 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:365 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:370 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:375 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:380 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:385 msgid " in your bookmarking menu" msgstr "no seu menu de marcadores" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:6 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:61 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:141 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:181 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:241 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:246 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:251 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:256 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:306 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:321 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:331 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:336 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:356 msgid "Submit this to " msgstr "Submeter ao " #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:10 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:11 msgid "Blinklist" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:11 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:16 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:31 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:46 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:51 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:66 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:91 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:101 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:121 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:126 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:131 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:146 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:156 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:211 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:261 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:266 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:286 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:346 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:366 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:386 msgid "Share this on " msgstr "Partilhar no " #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:15 msgid "Delicious" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:16 msgid "" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:20 msgid "Digg" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:21 msgid "Digg this!" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:25 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:26 msgid "Diigo" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:26 msgid "Post this on " msgstr "Publicar em " #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:30 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:31 msgid "Reddit" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:35 msgid "Yahoo! Buzz" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:36 msgid "Buzz up!" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:40 msgid "Stumbleupon" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:41 msgid "Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUpon" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:45 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:46 msgid "Technorati" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:50 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:51 msgid "Mixx" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:55 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:56 msgid "MySpace" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:56 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:201 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:226 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:376 msgid "Post this to " msgstr "Publicar em " #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:60 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:61 msgid "DesignFloat" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:65 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:66 msgid "Facebook" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:70 msgid "Twitter" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:71 msgid "Tweet This!" msgstr "Tweet!" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:75 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:80 msgid "Check this box to include the " msgstr "Marque esta caixa para incluir o" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:75 msgid "\"Email to a Friend\" link" msgstr "link \"Email para um amigo\"" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:76 msgid "Email this to a friend?" msgstr "Enviar a um amigo por email?" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:80 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:81 msgid "ToMuse" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:81 msgid "Suggest this article to " msgstr "Sugerir este artigo a " #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:85 msgid "a 'Subscribe to Comments' link" msgstr "um link 'Subscreva os comentários\"" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:86 msgid "Subscribe to the comments for this post?" msgstr "Subscrever os comentários para este artigo?" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:90 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:91 msgid "Linkedin" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:95 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:96 msgid "Newsvine" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:96 msgid "Seed this on " msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:100 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:101 msgid "Devmarks" 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this to " msgstr "Guardar em " #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:210 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:211 msgid "Wikio" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:215 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:216 msgid "TechMeme" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:216 msgid "Tip this to " msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:220 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:221 msgid "Sphinn" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:221 msgid "Sphinn this on " msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:225 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:226 msgid "Posterous" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:230 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:231 msgid "Global Grind" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:231 msgid "Grind this! on " msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:235 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:236 msgid "" msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:236 msgid "Ping this on " msgstr "" #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:240 #: includes/bookmarks-data.php:241 msgid "NUjij" msgstr "" #: 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