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Re: First pass for LDP-Author-Guide

Miroslav Skoric wrote:
> Stein Gjoen wrote:
> > Such a template does exist. I wrote one in LinuxDoc DTD, available as
> >         SGML http://www.nyx.net/~sgjoen/template.sgml
> >         HTML http://www.nyx.net/~sgjoen/template.html
> I just wonder if a HTML "template" might be easily edited with
> Netscape's Composer util that is included within RH 6.1 distro. And if

You don't have to have it in a distro to be able to use it, simply
download it from the links above (use the *html to view the style
and the *sgml to edit yourself) and then start writing.

> somebody else here could be kind enough to translate it into SGML? I
> still don't have enough time to learn about SGML and other appropriate
> HOWTO tools, but I think I could maintain some HOWTOs. Any experience
> and suggestion?

The Template shows you probably 95 percent of what you need in order
to write an SGML document yourself. Most of the tags you need are
used and explained.

   Stein Gjoen

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